Letters: Banks and Consumers

By Duff Conacher on March 19, 2009

ATM-bw.jpgIt is not surprising that Canada’s big banks are still profitable, given that the federal government has offered them and other financial institutions more than $250 billion in direct and indirect subsidies in the past few months.

Rodéo à Québec

By Pierre K. Malouf on March 19, 2009

La Caisse de dépôt a connu une très mauvaise année.  La chasse aux responsables est maintenant ouverte.  Le hic, c’est que dans cette affaire il n’y a que des IRRESPONSABLES.  C’est la faute à personne parce que c’est la faute à tout le monde. « Il n’y aura pas d’empreintes digitales sur l’arme du crime, car il n’y a pas de crime...

Brother Tremblay: Is Marcel Tremblay done with politics?

By Dan Delmar on March 19, 2009

The affable Marcel Tremblay – NDG councilor, Montreal executive committee member and City Hall’s resident crusader for civic-minded behaviour – is, as they say, in a period of reflection...

Broken promises: The Ala Morales affair

By Beryl Wajsman on March 19, 2009

Before we take on an advocacy issue that revolves around a single individual, it must meet one important criteria. The story must have within it a multiplicity of elements that affect us all. It is in that context that you should understand the headline of the story of Ala Morale...

Is journalism dead? I will not be reduced to Twittering for attention

By Dan Delmar on March 19, 2009

Journalists, writers are insecure manic-depressives on a never-ending quest for praise – in the best of times. In a recession, they are still those things, but also hyper-aware of a new reality; no matter how much they are loved and admired, the advertising revenue is simply not paying the bills these days. Journalism was on life-support long before the economy tanked. Now, one has to wonder if the printed word can survive, let alone thrive in new economic and social contexts..

Sunday’s C.R.A.P. demo

By P.A. Sévigny on March 19, 2009

Last Sunday afternoon, only minutes after they began to gather in front of the Mount Royal Metro station, Montreal’s CRAP (La Coalition contre la Repression et les Abus  Policiers ) lost no time as they began  to pick their annual fight with city’s police...

Government’s not the solution to our problems; government is the problem

By Mischa Popoff on March 19, 2009

“Until August 1914 a sensible, law-abiding Englishman could pass through life and hardly notice the existence of the state. All this was changed by the impact of the Great War. The state established a hold over its citizens which though relaxed in peace time, was never to be removed and which the Second World War was again to increase. The history of the English people and the English State merged for the first time.”

The Israel ‘Apartheid’ lies

By Beryl Wajsman on March 19, 2009

Recently we witnessed the fifth Israel Apartheid Week manifestations. In cities from Oxford to New York to Montreal we saw the usual collection of Islamist apologists and their fellow-travelers in academic, political and diplomatic circles. These events sought to portray Israel as an apartheid-era South Africa in relation to its Arab citizens...

Separatists have a point

By David T. Jones on March 19, 2009

The contretemps over the now aborted recreation of the battle on the Plains of Abraham demonstrates this reality...

Stressing the banks!

By Robert Presser on March 19, 2009

IMFresets.jpg Investors around the world could be forgiven for expressing some optimism given the stock market results for the week ending on March 13th 2009: US markets posted the biggest gains in twenty years, with the Dow up over 9%, with similar gains on the broader S&P 500 index and the Canadian TSX.  One of the catalysts for this surge of optimism was an announcement by Citigroup that after receiving $45 billion in government assistance, the bank was able to post an $8 billion dollar profit in their current fiscal quarter...


EI for the self-employed

By Jessica Murphy on March 19, 2009

Chris Hopkins never really wanted to be an entrepreneur. But facing dire job prospects after moving to Prince Edward Island, he started a home business that eventually failed. Now, Hopkins is using his free time to spearhead a campaign to allow entrepreneurs to opt into the federal employment insurance program...

Piperberg's World

By Roy Piperberg on March 19, 2009








So just how Irish is Quebec?

By Alidor Aucoin on March 19, 2009

St-Patrick-Society-logo.jpgSo Irish, in fact, that people with names such as Aubrey, Charest, Sevigny, Beaudoin, Duceppe, Bourque, Sylvain and Dore can claim to be sons and daughters of Erin. A new exhibition that opened this week at the McCord Museum illustrates how Quebec has been shaped by the blending of the Irish and French identities...




By Alidor Aucoin on March 19, 2009

St-Patrick-002.jpgCan there be a more dazzling art exhibition around than the Claude Tousignant retrospective at the Musée d’art contemporain? 





Let us Prey: One Twisted Sister.

By Alidor Aucoin on March 19, 2009

You’ve got to have doubts about a  production of John Patrick Shanley’s Doubt at the Centaur until March 29 that reduces a complex, engrossing 80-minute play to little more than a war between the sexes...

Compelling “Tryst”

By Alidor Aucoin on March 19, 2009

British playwright Karoline Leach’s unsettling romance, Tryst, running at the Segal Centre for the Performing Arts until March 29 is a compelling , heartbreakingly  superb evening of theatre.  It’s the story of a Edwardian gigolo, a charming rake with the rather suspect name of George Love (C. David Johnson)...

Pour que les Lumières ne s’éteignent pas

By Pierre K. Malouf on March 19, 2009

Philippe Val est directeur de  Charlie Hebdo, heddomadaire satiriste français dont la réputation  s’est étendue à toute la planète après la publication, le 8 février 2006, des douze caricatures de Mahomet qui avaient paru pour la première fois le 30 septembre 2005 dans le journal danois Jyllands Posten.  Objet de poursuites de la part de la Grande Mosquée de France, de l’Union des organisations islamiques de France (UOIF) et de la Ligue Islamique Mondiale pour « injure publique à l’égard d’un groupe de personnes à raison de leur religion », Charlie Hebdo sortit vainqueur d’un procès qui fut tenu les 7 et 8 février 2007,  jugement confirmé le 12 mars 2008 par la cour d’appel...

Pour débusquer les préjugés

By René Girard on March 19, 2009

Cet ouvrage constitue l’une des meilleures démonstrations à l’effet que les préjugés entretiennent l’absence de démarche intellectuelle face aux fausses représentations du monde.  En d’autres termes, il s’agit de montrer en quoi consiste l’abdication pure et simple de la raison devant tout ce qui est présenté comme étant à croire sans examen, et aussi comment les pensées humaines sont, en quelque sorte, embarrassées par les préjugés qui remplacent souvent le manque d’éducation...

Editorial Staff

Beryl P. Wajsman

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