THe Thousand Words: Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe

By . on July 10, 2008


Notre politique linguistique. Une vache sacrée, une bête noire

By Julius Grey on July 10, 2008

Manifestement injuste et exagérée lors de sa promulgation en 1977, la loi 101 a été modifiée et améliorée à tous les niveaux des cours de justice, y compris celles des Nations unies, ainsi que par le législateur...

Morgentaler: It’s about liberty, not libertines

By Beryl Wajsman on July 10, 2008

French social critic Hervé Juvin's book “L'avènement du corps” (The Elevation of the Body), argues that our ability to live longer has seen the birth of the hedonism of self-preservation replacing the hedonism of self-indulgence...

Why Harper got it right on McCain

By David T. Jones on July 10, 2008

Cynics are inclined to conclude that a government that makes the right decision is akin to the proverbial blind pig finding an acorn. But such pigs do find acorns and, in the instance of the decision by the Harper government to see Senator John McCain during his June 20 visit to Ottawa, the Tories got it right...

La barbe des barbus

By Pierre K. Malouf on July 10, 2008

Richard Martineau, le 7 juin, sur le hidjab : « Comme on pouvait le prévoir, l'ineffable Françoise David, ex-féministe qui fait maintenant des courbettes devant les extrémistes religieux (du moins, ceux qui ne sont pas d'obédience catholique, « ouverture » envers les autres communautés oblige), Mme David, donc, applaudit la décision des augustes commissaires à quatre mains [sic]. »....

Criminalizing the homeless

By Jessica Murphy on July 10, 2008

Despite recent steps by Montreal and the Ville Marie borough to alleviate problems surrounding homelessness downtown, ongoing policies continue to marginalize the very people they’re trying to help...

Ticketing our trash

By P.A. Sévigny on July 10, 2008

Last December, shortly before taking a taxi to the airport for an early-morning flight, Montreal writer Alan Hustak dropped a small bag of garbage into one of the city’s  garbage cans in Old Montreal. Only a few days after he came back from his Christmas holiday, he received a letter from the Ville Marie borough authorities with included a $187 ticket for having broken one of the borough’s new municipal garbage by-laws...

Funding cuts will behead entrepreneur program

By Isaak Olson on July 10, 2008

Government funding for a local program dedicated to young entrepreneurs will be cut at the end of August—a move that, according to program officials, will have an economic ripple effect on the region...

Jamais plus!

By l'Hon. Irwin Cotler on July 10, 2008

Cette année c’est la soixantième anniversaire de l’adoption de deux instruments cruciaux dans notre histoire, soit la Convention pour la prévention et la répression du crime de génocide (la « Convention sur le génocide »)—connue comme la Convention « plus jamais »—et la Déclaration universelle des droits de la personne—reconnue comme étant la « magna carta » de l’humanité...

Global Conflict and North American Integration

By Prof. Thomas Velk on July 10, 2008

Cooperation with the United States earns Canada economic gains and gives it a discrete national identity. Meaningful cooperation is always possible, but international conflicts that shift the U.S. balance of power toward the executive branch represent unique opportunities for Canada to extend her national interest...

Third parties, first ideas

By Tom Lamberti on July 10, 2008

As we approach the 2008 U.S. Election, we see many familiar signs. Now that Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama have just about clinched the nomination of their parties, they will be looking to sure up their core supporters, as well as try and appeal to the independent voters who will ultimately decide who the next president of the United States will be...

Antiaméricanisme et élections présidentielles

By Hubert Villeneuve on July 10, 2008

Affirmer que l’hostilité internationale face aux États-Unis fut forte au cours des dernières années relèverait de l’euphémisme. Ce phénomène multiforme a connu depuis la venue au pouvoir de pouvoir de l’administration Bush et, surtout, de l’invasion malheureuse de l’Irak, une immanquable virulence...

Piperberg's World

By Roy Piperberg on July 10, 2008


Les réalités propres à Israël

By Jean Ouellette on July 10, 2008

À vingt-quatre heures d’intervalle, au son lugubre des mêmes sirènes qui annoncent la chute probable d’un missile ennemi, les Israéliens, à onze heures du matin, et dans tout le pays, se mettent au garde-à-vous et observent deux minutes de silence. La première alarme marque  le souvenir des soldats tombés au combat.

UAVs: Changing the face of modern warfare

By Robert J. Galbraith on July 10, 2008

On January 29th in the North Waziristan region of Pakistan, the commander of Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terror network in Afghanistan, Abu Laith al-Libi, was killed by a US missile strike launched from what was believed to be an MQ-1 Predator, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)...

We’ll get what we vote for

By Robert Presser on July 10, 2008

Compared to many North American cities, Montreal is an easy place to own a car. Insurance rates are relatively low, our traffic congestion problems, although growing, are not at the levels of New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta or Toronto. The baby boomer generation can remember driving downtown and finding street parking with ease; today, the parking is still available, though we are paying for it at expensive rates...

Nationalisme et sclérose culturelle

By Vincent Geloso on July 10, 2008

En cette terre d’Amérique, être francophone d’expression revient à être dans la minorité et cela représente un euphémisme. De descendance majoritairement catholique, nous sommes un peu moins minoritaire en Amérique du Nord mais nous demeurons tout de même minoritaire. Face à la culture anglo-saxone, nous sommes définitivement un îlot de différence dans une mer de soi-disant conformité...

Hot Blues

By Alidor Aucoin on July 10, 2008

With two of his stage plays opening on the straw hat circuit one week apart this month, Ricky Blue  is suddenly Quebec’s hottest playwright in either language...

Couture as art

By Alidor Aucoin on July 10, 2008

Death can sometimes be a good career move for an artist. Yves Saint Laurent is a case in point. Before he died on June 1, Saint Laurent was considered a brilliant, influential designer whose career in recent years stood still as he wasted his enormous talent on cocaine and alcohol...

Lu: Omaha beach

By Louise V. Labrecque on July 10, 2008

6 juin 1944.  Omaha Beach, Omaha « la sanglante », est l’une des cinq plages du débarquement de Normandie, lors de la Seconde guerre mondiale.  Le jour J, Bloody Omaha sera le lieu des plus lourdes pertes américaines...

Editorial Staff

Beryl P. Wajsman

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Robert J. Galbraith


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