The Thousand Words: Soldier caring for injured civilian in Afganistan

By Robert J. Galbraith on November 13, 2008


Des élections? Pour quoi faire?

By Pierre K. Malouf on November 13, 2008

Que les prophètes de tout acabit se le tiennent pour dit : il n’existe pas plus sûr moyen de se fourvoyer que de prédire l’avenir. Une prédiction qui se réalise prouve que le voyant a eu de la chance ; une prédiction qui ne se réalise pas fait la preuve de son ineptie. Votre humble serviteur n’échappe pas à la règle : dans ma chronique du 16 octobre dernier je prévoyais le résultat de la prochaine élection provinciale, hallucination dont je me repens humblement.

Decision Quebec: riding round-up

By Jessica Murphy on November 13, 2008


Quebec’s declaration of values

By Amb. Martin Collacot on November 13, 2008

The decision by the Quebec government to require immigrants to that province to declare that they accept the basic common values of Quebecers makes good sense.,,

Boroughs gone bonkers

By Jessica Murphy on November 13, 2008

Last September, The Metropolitain reported on merchants along Parc. Ave being hit with a number of fines under Montreal’s cleanliness bylaws.

At the time, property owner Bill Vasilios Karidogiannis complained that the street was in disrepair despite merchants pressuring the borough to contribute to its upkeep. So when the borough sent a team of workers to clean the streets a couple of weeks later, he was overjoyed.,,

“..Some things are worth fighting for!”

By P.A. Sévigny on November 13, 2008

Last Sunday, Montreal’s St. James United Church held its annual Remembrance Day service to honor all who served and died for this nation during all of its wars.,,

Citizen Obama

By Beryl Wajsman on November 13, 2008

He started by testing the waters. That was what his campaign was all about at the start. Barack Obama burned with ideas and ideals, but he knew as a junior Senator with relatively little national exposure, that his 2008 campaign would probably be all about positioning. Positioning for the next time. But then something happened. Iowa...

Les défis

By Alain-Michel Ayache on November 13, 2008

Il y a encore quelques mois, l’idée d’avoir un homme de race noire comme président des États-Unis était en soi un défi, d’autant plus que dans l’imaginaire populaire de l’Occident, l’Amérique était encore une entité où le racisme était plus vivace qu’en Europe. Or, voilà qu’aujourd’hui, les États-Unis d’Amérique prouvent encore une fois la grandeur de ce pays et la force de sa démocratie; de quoi constituer une leçon d’ouverture au monde entier...

It matters

By George Jonas on November 13, 2008

Yes, it matters. Just because you've seen one president, doesn't mean you've seen them all. If you got the president you always wanted for a neighbour, don't yet heave a sigh of relief. If you got the one you always feared, don't yet despair. Knowing who the president is doesn't tell you everything, or even half of it. Presidents aren't free to be what they are. A candidate may be his own person. But a President  is his office. As a leader, he no longer belongs to himself. The Chinese might call him the creature of the three Ps: His people, his place and his period. A leader is a follower by definition...

Kristallnacht: Seventy years later

By The Hon. David Kilgour on November 13, 2008

It is a challenge to address the stark issues posed by the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht. One difficulty is that too many in my own spiritual community (Christian) stood by during the worst catastrophe in all of recorded history.There were exceptions-some famous, some virtually unknown—but most Christians in Europe and elsewhere, including Canada, did not do enough to love and care for our Jewish neighbours as ourselves. Another is drawing two effective lessons from the Holocaust of practical use today in Canada and elsewhere...

Everlasting debt

By Lawrence Rosenthal on November 13, 2008


Rêve est réalité

By Sébastien Dorélas on November 13, 2008

Ma couverture de cette campagne a commencé d’un drôle de manière. Nous (la délégation) étudiante du CIPUF avons eu droit à une escale forcée au bureau des douaniers  au poste frontalier de Champlain.  Le douanier en charge de l’inspection n’a pas apprécié que parmi la vingtaine d’étudiants de la délégation, certains avaient des passeports provenant de la France et de la Belgique...

“The glass ceiling has been shattered”

By Dan Delmar on November 13, 2008

The stakes were high on Nov. 4 for American Democrats, but also for members of Montreal’s Black community who expect to see the election of Barack Obama as a positive development for black youth in this country as well...

Piperberg's World

By Roy Piperberg on November 13, 2008


Government’s misguided attempt

By Robert Presser on November 13, 2008

Late last week, General Motors and Ford announced a combined third quarter loss of $7.2 billion US.  In other years, this would be considered catastrophic as an annual loss figure, but in the current economic context..

Academia Nuts

By David Solway on November 13, 2008

As we survey the intellectual scene today, what appears perhaps most disconcerting is the modern western University. With its mimosa administrations, Jacobin unions and an energetic left wing professoriate, it has become the new industrial farm for the production of ideological madness and intellectual obscurantism...

Call it ‘The Sandwich Generation’

By P.A. Sévigny on November 13, 2008

Last Sunday, a new resource group called The Professionals Network for Caregivers, (Réseau des Professionels pour les Proches Aidants) held their annual resource fair at the Centre Mont-Royal in the downtown core...

La Fonderie Darling: un espace de création unique

By Louise V. Labrecque on November 13, 2008

« Il n’y a pas plus québécois qu’un Québécois ! »  Voici une maxime résumant à elle seule un type de québécitude bête à pleurer, un complexe en somme.  De ce genre de cliché, de préjugé, de formule toute faite, impossible de ne pas faire matière à réflexion lorsque l’on visite la Fonderie Darling, nichée au cœur du Faubourg des Récollets, dans le « Quartier Éphémère ».  Par sa mission, cet endroit étonnant oblige à sortir de soi et des sentiers battus, pour entrer de tout son long dans l’Autre, dans ses différences et complexités...

Titanic sails again

By Alidor Aucoin on November 13, 2008

A touring exhibition of artifacts from the Titanic opened this week in the old fourth floor cinema in the Eaton Centre in downtown Montreal, where they will remain until April...

Sleek Cat without claws

By Alidor Aucoin on November 13, 2008

Barry Flatman  as Big Daddy, the dying patriarch of a decaying Southern family is alone worth the price of admission to the uneven production of the Tennessee Williams Classic, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof at the Segal Centre for the Performing Arts at the Saidye...

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