Single Rose

By Leslie Cottle on January 7, 2010

single-rose-with-hand-bw.jpgBring me one daisy,
Bring me your smile,
Darken my doorway,
Through life's untimely trials.
Write me a kind note
Bring me one rose,
Sit down beside me...



Fouetter le chat pour que le chien cesse de japper

By Pierre K. Malouf on January 7, 2010

confused-childbw.jpgAvant et depuis son implantation dans les écoles québécoises, le cours Éthique et culture religieuse (ÉCR) est mitraillé de critiques venant de tous les côtés : catholiques traditionnalistes, défenseurs de la laïcité, nationalistes «identitaires», etc.  Ces tirs croisés n’ébranlent en rien la flopée de théologiens qui dirigent en sous-main notre système scolaire, mais tant pis !  Continuons de répéter  que le roi est nu.

Of scans, profiles and freedoms

By Beryl Wajsman on January 7, 2010

Much time has been spent, and appropriately so, defending our privacy rights in this time of war on terror. The public must be convinced of their importance.  Justice Louis Brandeis called them “the most prized right of civilized nations.”

Louis « le Pieux » Cornellier, sublime gardien de l’orthodoxie politico-religieuse

By René Girard on January 7, 2010

Dans les sphères rocambolesques du nationalisme québécois, il m’arrive parfois, au hasard de mes lectures, de tomber sur un article dont le titre accrocheur m’invite à lire plus avant. Parfois, c’est un auteur particulier qui m’attire, et il est vrai que j’en chéris quelques-uns. Louis Cornellier, dit « le Pieux », est l’un d’eux car je suis toujours certain qu’il ne me décevra pas. En effet, je serais bien déçu s’il fallait qu’un jour ses propos me plaisent, quoique je n’ai aucune crainte à cet égard. 

‘It sounds like a whisper!’

By P.A. Sévigny on January 7, 2010

Folk artist Tracey Chapman may be right. When people start talking about a revolution, it really does sound like a whisper. 
“People are angry,” said Maison du Partage food bank director Madeleine Daoust.”…really angry. There’s a lot of tension in the air and people are beginning to lose patience ….They know something’s wrong and for once, they’re not to blame.”

Pour une vraie commémoration de la Bataille des Plaines

By Bernard Amyot on January 7, 2010

Le 13 septembre 2009, la tenue d’une commémoration du 250ème anniversaire de la bataille des Plaines d’Abraham aurait été importante pour l’ensemble des Canadiens et ce, à plus d’un titre.  Il est encore temps de faire l’effort pour aller au-delà du délire de la dernière année et vraiment comprendre la falsification historique des indépendantistes à ce sujet.

EXCLUSIVE: The real scandal of climategate: They got the math wrong

By H. Douglas Lightfoot on January 7, 2010

16537808.jpgThe level of confusion and misinformation surrounding the real and perceived issues of “climate change” related to CoP 15 in Copenhagen is enormous, but it need not be.
The real issue is not about “climate change”, but about the effects of global warming on the environment. Every adverse effect on the environment cited by people who study these things is always about the effect of warming.


Canadians are too hard on themselves

By David T. Jones on January 7, 2010

16537808.jpgThere is an aphorism to the effect that you can always make a sensitive person feel guilty. Extrapolate that judgment to a national level and one can conclude that Canada is so afflicted.
There is much wrong, indeed evil, that is done in the world that we can do nothing to mitigate, let alone eliminate.   To paraphrase scripture, too often “we do those things that we ought not to have done and leave undone those things that we ought to have done.”  We cudgel ourselves with “what ifs.”   If we had only paid more attention; worked harder; spoken out; saved more/spent less, the wrong would be righted (or would never have happened at all).

The end of the line?

By David Solway on January 7, 2010

16537808.jpgFollowing the release into the webworld of hacked emails, computer codes, and a raft of supplementary documents recording the antics of sundry paleoclimatolgists at the University of East Anglia’s influential Climate Research Unit, it has now become ice-crystal clear not only that the world has been cooling for the last decade, but that the global warming crusade is an environmental racket of historical proportions. Many “climate skeptics” and independent researchers have long known this to be the case and have understood that the motivating factor behind this massive and unprecedented fraud is the unsavory quest for power and profit on the part of governments, corporations, and ambitious individuals, scientists as well as entrepreneurs.

Sakharvov remembered

By Joel Goldenberg on January 7, 2010

On Dec. 14, 1989, law professor, rights activist and now Mount Royal MP Irwin Cotler was on his way to Moscow to have dinner and a discussion with renowned Soviet human rights activist Andrei Sakharov, when he called his wife Ariela during a stopover in London.
“She said ‘you won’t be able to have dinner with Dr. Sakharov,’” Cotler recalled, his voice breaking and halted. “’He died this morning.’ Instead of having dinner with Andrei Sakharov, I attended his funeral.”


Djemila Benhabib, sur l’affaire des minarets en Suisse

By Djemila Benhabib on January 7, 2010

L’image de cette petite et riche enclave au cœur de l’Europe célèbre pour sa fondue, sa raclette, son chocolat et enviée partout dans le monde pour ses stations de ski et ses lacs paisibles, miroirs où se reflètent des paysages et jardins bucoliques, serait-elle en train de changer ? Que dire de sa flore humaine? Les Suisses auraient-ils subi des mutations biologiques accélérées pour célébrer le deux centième anniversaire de Darwin et sa théorie de l’évolution ?

Copenhague: Une grande douleur pour peu de gain

By Robert Presser on January 7, 2010

GLOBE-IN-VICE-BW.jpgPlutôt que d’analyser tous les détails de l’accord, l’objectif de cet article sera d’adopter une perspective à plus long terme fondée sur l’hypothèse que l’accord non-contraignant conclu à Copenhague doit être transformé en un accord contraignant et vérifiable pour la réduction des émissions à long terme. L’entente conclue entre les États-Unis, la Chine, l’Inde, le Brésil et l’Afrique du Sud contient des engagements pour que la réduction des émissions limite le réchauffement climatique à un maximum de 2 degrés Celsius, mais que veut dire cela en termes de vraies cibles ?

Piperberg's World

By Roy Piperberg on January 7, 2010


Les Sulpiciens et la liberté de presse

By Pierre Arbour on January 7, 2010

A l’occasion du 350e anniversaire de l’arrivée des Sulpiciens en Nouvelle-France, de nombreuses fêtes, cérémonies et célébrations eurent lieu pour commémorer cet évènement ainsi que les réalisations des Messieurs de St Sulpice; ces réalisations ne furent pas des moindres surtout dans le domaine de l’éducation.  Un livre vient d’être publié “Les Sulpiciens de Montréal; une histoire de pouvoir et de discrétion 1657-2007, Fides”; curieusement, on n’y fait pas mention d’un épisode marquant de notre histoire ancienne où le Supérieur du Collège de Montréal, Etienne Montgolfier (1712-1791) joua un rôle important quant à la suppression du premier journal au pays.

A crash course in unwanted expertise

By Kevin Woodhouse on January 7, 2010

PASSING-KLEENEX.jpgA true benefit of being a journalist is having the opportunity to meet other interesting people and hear their stories.  As a writer, it is a great by product to be able to amass information and skills from the good subjects.
This past November, my sisters, brother, father and I became defacto experts in the business of funeral arrangements.  Death and taxes are indeed inevitable and eventually for most people, they will outlive their parents.



By Alan Hustak on January 7, 2010


A Reprint of a 1950’s Montreal tourist guide; plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.



By Alan Hustak on January 7, 2010


l. Ian MacDonald’s snapshot of history in the making

EX-CENTRIS RE-BRANDS: The Temple to Cinema on The Main becomes an Alternative Arts Centre

By Alan Hustak on January 7, 2010

Ten years after Ex-Centris opened as Montreal’s premier cinema art house, the $35-million complex on St. Lawrence Blvd is attempting to carve a new niche for itself as a multi media showcase for emerging  talent.

Editorial Staff

Beryl P. Wajsman

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