Therefore choose courage! A personal reflection on memory and witness

By Beryl Wajsman on October 16, 2008

My father died this past Monday. At a time when so much of the currency of our public discourse is spent on meaningless façade, political correctness and false piety, I wanted to share this article I wrote last Remembrance Day about him. Our political elites could take a few lessons from a member of the “greatest generation”...

Pouvoir de nuisance

By Pierre K. Malouf on October 16, 2008

Le Québec vient d’aggraver son handicap, c’est-à-dire son éloignement du pouvoir par bloquistes interposés.  Nous aurons donc un gouvernement minoritaire.  Le troisième en quatre ans...

“What ever happened over just one night?” One on one with Julie Couillard

By Beryl Wajsman on October 16, 2008

She was never charged with any crime. She was never the object of any complaint. She’s lived her life openly and transparently. But in the public life of this country, anyone can be targeted if they can be abused for political gain to get at someone else. The math in politics is simple. Add two plus two and make sure it equals five...

Canada and Julie Cuillard

By Beryl Wajsman on October 16, 2008

My interview with Julie Couillard caused me to reflect on some issues in her story that really are message and metaphor for some sad realities in the public life - political and journalistic - of this country. I wanted to share them with you particularly on election week...

Election review of selected ridings served by The Métropolitain

By Dan Delmar on October 16, 2008


Trudeau takes north end riding

By P.A. Sévigny on October 16, 2008

ustin Trudeau learns fast. He waited till all the votes were in and counted before thanking his wife, his friends, his campaign workers and especially the people of his riding for their faith, their trust and their votes...


By Dan Delmar on October 16, 2008

Le Métropolitain s’est entretenu récemment avec une candidate néo-démocrate des plus controversées, Samira Laouni. La musulmane pratiquante s’est vu répondre à nos questions concernant ses croyances religieuses, sa vision pour la circonscription de Bourassa (où elle s’est classée quatrième Mardi) et ses impressions sur la politique internationale...

“We are a testament to their failures”

By Dan Delmar on October 16, 2008

Three Canadian Muslims took a stand earlier this month against the extremist branches of their religion and appealed for Quebecers to stand up for their secular values...

Trois Aspects!

By Alain-Michel Ayache on October 16, 2008

Au moment où j’écris ces mots, le résultat des élections fédérales demeure encore inconnu bien que la plupart des sondages penche du côté des Conservateurs pour un second mandat minoritaire...

Excited delirium

By Jessica Murphy on October 16, 2008

The concept of 'excited delirium' is igniting the debate on stun gun use by police forces across Canada. Defenders of the term call it an unrecognized health and policing crisis while critics fear it could be used to whitewash police brutality...


Why the U.S. credit crisis should never have happened

By Robert Borosage on October 16, 2008

How did it come to this? The banksters issue a threat: hand over $700 billion in taxpayers’ money–on top of the $600 billion already forked over–or we’ll take down the global economy. There will be a lot of obfuscation—fingers pointing every which way—but the story is very clear...

À qui appartient l’or bleu ?

By Jean-François Minardi on October 16, 2008

La Commission des transports et de l’environnement de l’Assemblée Nationale du Québec vient de tenir des auditions publiques sur le projet de loi 92. Déposé au mois de juin dernier, ce projet de loi déclare, entre autres choses, que « …. l’eau de surface et l’eau souterraine, dans leur état naturel, sont des ressources qui font partie du patrimoine commun de la nation québécoise et qui ne peuvent être appropriées, sauf dans les conditions définies par la loi, dont le Code civil. »...

Saving the bubble…with inflation!

By Robert Presser on October 16, 2008

Those readers old enough to remember the oil shock of the early 1970’s and the resulting surge in inflation across most of the world’s economies will greet with skepticism the notion of inflation as a solution to the international economic crisis.  In reality, we are already well on our way to inflation with the injection of trillions of dollars worldwide into the banking system to prevent it from seizing up – every dollar created by central banks to cover massive financial losses on the banks’ balance sheets debases the value of the issuing currency, and that’s the road we’re on...

Cassandra’s Lilacs succeeds in “gentling the condition”

By Beryl Wajsman on October 16, 2008

Some 600 people came to the Théatre St-Denis Thursday, October 2 and took part in a unique celebration of community activism and community solutions. It was the Garceau Foundation’s first major benefit called Cassandra’s Lilacs, The “Gentle the Condition” Concert. Put on in co-operation with the Institute for Public Affairs of Montreal, the concert was a rare multi-artist and multi-charity event...

Kirpans and Political Correctness

By David T. Jones on October 16, 2008

A kirpan is a kirpan is … a knife. A kirpan wrapped up and under the clothing of the owner is … a concealed weapon.,,

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

By Sharman Yarnell on October 16, 2008

The year was 1964. The date was February 9. It was Sunday night and everyone between the ages of 5 and 85 was glued to the old black and white television set, waiting for the phenomenon that had arrived in New York to appear on The Ed Sullivan Show...

Scorching hot

By Alidor Aucoin on October 16, 2008

The hottest theatre ticket  in town these days is Scorched. Toronto’s Tarragon Theatre Company brought its stark, fluent staging of Wajdi Mouawad’s chilling  family drama,  to the Centaur Friday. As translated from its original French-version, Incendies, into English by Linda Gaboriou, directed by Richard Rose and designed by  Graham S. Thompson, Scorched is  pure, unadulterated theatre...

The 37th Festival Nouveau Cinema offers quality and quantity

By Melissa Wheeler on October 16, 2008

Film festivals can be a double-edged sword. They’re great for industry to make business and creative connections, and the general buzz is welcome.  But for people who just like to see good films, they can be a bit of a nightmare. You can’t just go to see a movie: you must spend a significant chunk of time with the program to make sure you’re seeing the best the fest has to offer...

Editorial Staff

Beryl P. Wajsman

Redacteur en chef et Editeur

Alan Hustak

Senior Editor

Daniel Laprès


Robert J. Galbraith


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Editorial Artwork

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La Patrie