No matter how thin you slice it, Schwartz’s the Musical at the Centaur Theatre until April 24 is as appetizing and as satisfying as a smoked meat sandwich. It is as effervescent as a Cott’s black cherry coke chaser. (Burp). It’s a ludicrous treat, even though bits of it might be hard to digest. The daffy burlesque of a show was inspired by Bill Brownstein’s history of the landmark Montreal deli on The Main published five years ago by Véhicule Press, but the script which went through dozens of rewrites, alters some of the detail in the book, and takes on a life of Its own.
In spite of a listless first act which is all boy-meets-girl exposition, the show is spiced with some high-spirited tunes by Bowser and Blue, flavoured with some appallingly low gags, and enhanced with rousing production numbers . The plot centres on the failed attempt about a dozen years ago to franchise Schwartz`s and transplant it to Toronto. It also involves an inevitable romance that develops when opposites attract - between Amber, (Stephanie Martin) the Toronto agent assigned to discover the secret recipe that makes Schwartz’s unique, and Ben (Vito Defillipo) , the deli’s laid back managing head waiter. The love interest is driven by two old-fashioned duets, the tongue and cheek You and I are so Much Like Smoked Meat and Rye, and a sweet, romantic ballad, The Promise. Martin is the perfect incarnation of a certain type of stereotypical Torontonian, vain but insecure.
Roy Surrette’s seamless direction makes the most of the opportunities at hand. From the mood setting Why do they Call it the Main, to the handclapping gospel finale, One More Step, (its that kind of a musical mess) he’s blessed with a versatile cast. No matter how small a role, all the actors on stage shine, especially Gordon Masten, who completely and effortlessy steals every scene when he’s on. Chris Barillaro, Dominic Lorange, Masten and Felicia Schulman are all terrific in the showstopping number, Schmutz as a a singing mustard squeeze bottle, a french fry, a barrel pickle and soft drink can. The acting, as you can well imagine, is mostly broad. Felica Shulman, with a painfully fake Quebecois accent is pure ham as Madame Chartrand, who inherited the restaurant and wants to sell it. Holly Gauthier-Frankel does a strip-tease that has to be seen to be imagined, and Bruce Dinsmore is a bit of a stretch as the corporate Bay Street financeer who bankrolls the sale.
Shane Snow’s choreography shuffles everyone along nicely through dance routines made even brighter by Jame’s Lavoie’s colourful costumes. Designer John C. Dinning has provided an evocative rendering of the down- at- the- heels Charcutirie Hebraique de Montreal, both interior and exterior. The clever set even includes a wall of photographs that crack their own jokes .
The show is a novelty, and is in keeping with Surrette’s plan to turn the Centaur into a real community theatre. Sophomoric and low brow it may be, but it’s fun, the hottest ticket in town. It is also a shameless two hour plug for the deli. Don’t be surprised if the Centaur follows it up with Ben’s and Moishe’s the musicals.
The show’s popularity simply demonstrates that like em or not, Bowser and Blue are like Schwartz’s itself, unique Montreal institutions that can exist only here.