The Métropolitain

Guys and Dolls revisted

By Byron Toben on October 19, 2012

By Damon  Runyon (as channeled by Byron Toben)


This is how my strange and wondrous experience happens.

I am floating around Writers Valhalla, which is in a place called Eternity, chatting with wise guys Willie the Shakes and  North Side Hendrik, when Big Mouth G.B. Shaw butts in.

“Damon, Dear boy…” sez He,

“You talking` to me ?” sez I.

“ Indeed” sez He “ Did you base your Salvation Army sister Sarah Brown on my Major Barbara?”

“ Big mouth Bernie, old chap” sez I “ I have not considered that possibility. I truly wish

I am able to do so”.

Next thing I know, I find myself in a burg called Montreal, which is in a place called Canada at a very fine theater called, I believe, the Seagull Centre although I do not spot any such birds hanging about.

Lo and behold, my old gang is being portrayed and with finger snapping music by some talented Guys and Dolls indeed. They are backed by a very commendable orchestra of eight musicians, heavy on the winds.

My eyes tear to see Nicely-Nicely Johnson (Mike Paterson) still rocking the boat.

Big Jule from Cicero Illinoise ( Massimo) is still packing his Betsy while gambling at

the floating crap game run by good old reliable Nathan Nathan Detroit (Frank Moore).Miss Adelaide (Susan Henley), Nathan`s long time fiancée, pleads with him to marry her as she instructs others to take back their mink and pearls.

Super gambler Sky Masterson ( Scott Wentworth) urges Luck to be a lady tonight as he woos the Salvation Army`s Sergeant Sarah Brown (Tracy Michailidis) who urges sinners to follow the fold. She needs lots of sinners to satisfy General Mathilda B. Cartwright (Jane Gilchrist) and justify keeping the mission open.

After the show, Sarah tells me she loves Major Barbara and does see they have a lot in common. I plan to relate this to Big Mouth Bernie later, even though odds are that this will only encourage him to bend my ear endlessly.

I cannot report in greater detail on this huge cast of 24 singing 18 hit songs and doing a lot of truly superior hoofing in the limited time and space I have on my brief return to thishere mortal coil. So sue me.

What can I say? On a  scale of ten, this show rolls a double six . As Sarah`s  gramps,Arvide Abernathy (Sam Stein) croons, More I cannot wish you. This outfit is as good as any I ever seen on Broadway which is in Manhattan which is in the state of New York,

Guys and Dolls continues at the Segal Centre until October 28. 514-739-7944