Korean NAvy vessels arrive in Montreal

By Alan Hustak on October 15, 2013

Visit Commemorates 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean engagement

IMG_1160.JPGA South Korean destroyer and an auxiliary naval vessel arrived in Montreal Sunday as part of ceremonies being held to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the end of the Korean engagement.  The  Roks Dae Jo Yeong and Roks Hwa Chen will be open to visitors in the Old Port until Wednesday, Oct. 16  The ships are on a round the world cruise and are visiting ports of call in 14 countries which sent troops to the Korean engagement.  During welcoming ceremonies  Commander Jang-Soo Hong pointed  out this year also marks the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Canada and The Republic of Korea. ”Canada is a precious and friendly nation that supported Korea in the military demarcation line by conducting patrol and reconnasance operations near Back RyeongDo and YeonPyeong Do during the hostilities,” he said. “I hope o ur visit serves as an opportunity to further strengthen the friendly bonds between our two countries and sincerely express our deepest gratitude to Canadian veterans of the Korean engagement.” A photo exhibition aboard the ship highlights the “Miraculous Development of Korea.”  Next stop, Baltimore, Md.


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