Whatever happened to market corrections?

By Anthony Philbin on October 2, 2008

While bankers and financiers and the lawmakers they control are spinning various doom and gloom scenarios to rationalize why they need saving, under the tenets of a free market economy what we are witnessing is not some unexpected or earth-shattering aberration...

La campagne électorale et la présence canadienne en Afghanistan.

By Pierre K. Malouf on October 2, 2008

Je n’avais pas aussitôt écrit dans ma chronique du 18 septembre (rédigée le 8) que le gouvernement conservateur (bientôt réélu) allait prolonger « la guerre en Afghanistan grâce à notre appui honteux », que Stephen Harper s’empressait de me rabrouer : la mission canadienne en prendra fin en 2011.  Le gouvernement conservateur a l’habitude de tenir ses promesses, bonnes ou mauvaises, j’espère qu’il ne tiendra pas celle-là!..

Sébastien Dhavernas: un souffle nouveau en politique

By Louise V. Labrecque on October 2, 2008

C’est le portrait d’un homme intègre que je vous présente aujourd’hui.  En le rencontrant et en discutant avec lui de ses idées et de ses priorités, j’ai pu percevoir un homme pour qui le dialogue, l’ouverture aux autres et la compassion sont réellement les moteurs de l’action, notamment politique...

Westmount going green

By Isaak Olson on October 2, 2008

Linking arms with the growing "green city" trend, Westmount officials have jump started a "sustainable development" initiative by holding the same community-wide discussion that has been building steam around this rapidly-warming globe we call home...

What happened to the honour system?

By Jessica Murphy on October 2, 2008

Revenu Quebec has  played hardball for far too long. According to a partner and chartered accountant with a prominent Canadian financial management firm, the provincial revenue ministry has dropped the honour system and started to treat the average citizen like a crook...

A pastor for Jeanne Le Ber

By P.A. Sévigny on October 2, 2008

When Darryl Grey realized he couldn’t think of anybody he would want to vote for, he saw no reason why he shouldn’t run for parliament. As the pastor for Little Burgundy’s Imani Family and Full Gospel Church, he knew why he had to run for parliament...

Du machiavélisme « Assadien » renouvelé !

By Alain-Michel Ayache on October 2, 2008

À en croire les nouvelles en provenance de Damas, la voiture piégée qui a explosé le samedi 27 septembre dernier serait le travail d’un terroriste irakien lié à Al-Qaïda. Ce « terroriste-suicidaire » se serait fait exploser avec sa voiture en plein milieu de la foule dans une région dense sur le chemin de l’aéroport...

Northern Exposure: so you think your Canadian bank is safe?

By Robert Presser on October 2, 2008

Much has been written over the past week concerning the US Federal Government’s $700 billion rescue plan for the nation’s financial firms.  As of this writing no plan has been passed, but in the meantime the US Federal Reserve and most central banks in the developed world have been flooding the markets with US dollar loans to meet the demand for funds from banking institutions...

Piperberg's World

By Roy Piperberg on October 2, 2008


Decorated restaurateur spotlighted for extending a helping hand

By Dan Delmar on October 2, 2008

When the owner of a chic Parisian bistro hired Jean Lafleur, convicted in the wake of the sponsorship inquiry, to work as a sous-chef, he never imagined that his face would be plastered on the front cover of the Journal de Montréal shortly thereafter...

Réflexion sur le sévice qui vient

By Esther Delisle on October 2, 2008

Cette réflexion a été impulsée par le philosophe André Comte-Sponville avec un livre du même titre. Le bouquin encore très jeune (2004) construit une perception de la responsabilité dans notre système économique. Avec la crise économique qui sévit, il semble actuel de réviser ce moralisme qu’entend entretenir le capitalisme d’aujourd’hui, son système et son idéologie...

Warhol draws music

By Alidor Aucoin on October 2, 2008

Andy Warhol’s genius was that not only did he connect graphic design, cinema, sex, politics and pop  culture, but as a new exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts demonstrates, Warhol was also the world’s most successful groupie...

Memo for artists : Arts are a market

By Vincent Geloso on October 2, 2008

Artists in Quebec were hoping that Stephen Harper would be ripping his hairs off to look like Jack Layton as they unleashed ads criticizing the government for cutting funding to arts in the province. However, their cause is not benefitting from widespread support as they expected and whatever support they have are polite yet lacking in passion...

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