Lise RavaryLise Ravary changed the world - in the deepest and most meaningful way 1993, I travelled to Israel for the first time in my life. I was there to cover the restaurant scene with Toronto critic Sarah Waxman who became, with her husband, the late great actor Al Waxman (who used to joke he was my daughter's yiddishe mama) great friends of our family. During that trip, I had the privilege of meeting Itzhak Rabin and his wife Leah who were dining next to us at The Cow on the Roof in Jerusalem. There was so much hope and optimism in the air. How that seems so far away now. Israel changed and so did we all. In 2013, I published a book entitled ‘Pourquoi moi ?’ Why me. Lise RavaryTue, 29 May 2018 16:10:00 -0400